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Commerce Projection Mapping

Projection mapping has been with us for a decade or more now with light shows on buildings and lighting the sky up with brands logos and objects that leave the viewer mouth wide open.

The art was the main focus, yes it was beautiful, exciting and captivating…



But… How do we make something beautiful and engaging into something that has a function towards transactions for commerce

I saw the case from New Balance 10 years ago, and and it wasn’t until I saw the other cases below that are still very similar that I realized even 10 years later we are using this technology mainly for show vs function

New Balance Case



A Commerce Projection solution could be…

So, imagine this functionality, instead of an art show projected on the shoes, you take artist designs or even better, community designed shoes that are projected in-store, the customer can then pause the projection and be given the ability to be purchase unqiue and limited edition designs.

Why? I hear you ask.

This would;

  1. Give the store more designs to share and open the eco-system up to a open network where communities can help build the brand and sales.
  2. Give the community the ability to design and sell, and in return giving them rewards (NFT’s / bitcoins / Coupons / Discounts / FAME)
  3. Give consumers more options that can also be customized, like NikeID but physically vs digital only.


This simple example shows how we can turn a technology that has all been about lean back experience into a lean forward experience.

Making it more engaging for consumers and more profitable for the brands

And lowering the environmental impact of mass production and waste. [Thanks Felix for the build]

This can all be done with Creative Technology.

Creative Technology Definition;

“Creative technology has been defined as “the blending of knowledge across multiple disciplines to create new experiences or products” that meet end user and organizational needs.

A more specific conceptualization describes it as the combination of information, holographic systems, sensors, audio technologies, image, and video technologies, among others with

artistic practices and methods.

The central characteristic is identified as an ability to do things better.

Creative technology is also seen as the intersection of new technology with creative initiatives such as fashion, art, advertising, media and entertainment.


Shoe Projection Mapping to Purchase

Projection mapping on to a sneaker / trainer giving the ability to select designs or even customise on live tangible products.

Projection mapping has been with us for a while now seen in the New Balance concept below, but projection mapping is normally all show and no functionality, this example enables direct purchase instore, giving a unique consumer experience. 

NFT’s for Good

When you say NFT most people would think it’s all about making a profit and commerce, this isn’t always true as this next example shows.

Here NFT’s are being used to help, in this case saving the rainforest, I wanted to highlight this not just because it’s a really interesting case, but also because I’m very proud of two of my ex-creatives whom created this amazing idea. (Tiago Beltrame & Nian He).

Goto the website :

Navigate the Nemus map, making a ‘promise to conserve’ by minting your own NFT tied to the land, each NFT drop features original artwork from an amazing artist to honor the unique flora and fauna found in the rainforest.

The ‘litepaper’ on the project. ;


The release:


The World’s First Non-Fungible Territory has been officially renamed by indigenous people in Brazil in coalition with Nemus, a Web3 company that sells Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to protect the Amazon Rainforest.

Around the world, indigenous peoples are stewards of the Earth, responsible for protecting 80% of the planet’s biodiversity.

With NFTs recently skyrocketing in popularity because of outsized gains and celebrity endorsements, land stewards of Brazil decided to showcase a purpose-driven utility for NFTs—to save the Amazon.

This event is captured in the short film, Non-Fungible Territory.

“I believe this [land] is an NFT, I live in an NFT.”

– Lilico, Local Community Resident

Sales of Nemus NFTs are being used to protect the Non-Fungible Territory from the clearcutting that has devastated much of the Amazon, address the $300 billion climate action funding gap to combat deforestation, create sustainable jobs and increase economic activities for the local people.

With a goal to invest a billion dollars in the region, Nemus is already having a positive impact.

They recently released over $100,000 from their treasury to fund the purchase of equipment to develop sustainable harvest methods of Brazil nuts and increase land security.

“If we are to save the Amazon, we must work with the people living there. Creating businesses in the middle of the jungle, with difficult access, no energy source, a population with limited education and qualifications is a huge challenge. But it can be done, and we have the experience. It is a lot of hard work and boots on the ground, but we can create incredible life changing results for the local communities.”

Flavio De Meira Penna, CEO of Nemus

As local communities learn more about the utility of NFTs such as Nemus’, they are embracing the technology as a means to extend their stewardship of the land.

Using Web3 to bring awareness to the Amazon’s needs as well as financial alternatives for its indigenous caretakers, they unite the world around an important cause. “Buy an NFT to save the NFT.”






The Rejection of NFT’s


On Wednesday the 20th July the of the best-selling video game of all time Minecraft[1] has decided to not allow or non-fungible tokens (NFT’s) [2] on their very popular gaming platform.

NFT’s are the ownership of a unique digital items, normally images, videos and music, this is like a receipt in the physical world, NFT’s are recorded on a register like blockchain[3].

Minecraft for those whom don’t know is a virtual world where players can create and customise their environments, since launching the game has a massive following of users that already design skins, maps and mods for the game.

Knowing what NFT’s are and do and what is happened already in Minecraft you can understand why Minecraft was such a huge opportunity with NFT’s, selling Skins, Maps and Mods.

The maker of Minecraft (Mojang Studios) have released a statement, a snapshot below and a link to the full statement.

“NFTs, however, can create models of scarcity and exclusion that conflict with our Guidelines and the spirit of Minecraft.

To ensure that Minecraft players have a safe and inclusive experience, blockchain technologies are not permitted to be integrated inside our client and server applications, nor may Minecraft in-game content such as worlds, skins, persona items, or other mods, be utilized by blockchain technology to create a scarce digital asset.

….uses of NFTs and other blockchain technologies creates digital ownership based on scarcity and exclusion, which does not align with Minecraft values of creative inclusion and playing together. ”


The full press release from Minecraft is here:

Will others follow suit?





Give your Zoom Super Powers

We are spending hours upon hours on Zoom or Teams and using other apps along side them when working.

This company called have developed a wrapper over Zoom enabling over tools to be integrated into the meetings  

The example below is based on inclusion and diversity and maps the conversation so all parties have a say. Other examples include  smart notepad that categorises Action Items, Questions, and Takeaways as they’re being taken, another usecase is workflow integrating with google docs.